Wilderness Fast

Rite of Passage

In a world of concrete and insane fastening, where technology reigns and nature is out of sight, we've lost touch with the wild, the untamed and our connection to the earth has become strained.

But deep within us lies a yearning, a desire to reconnect with the natural world, a calling. A vision quest, a wilderness fast, is an ancient path to reconnect with our wild past. For it is in the wild where we are truly free, where the distractions of society can no longer see, we are forced to confront ourselves, and in doing so, our true nature arises.

Through fasting and willing presence, we strip away the layers and reveal the raw essence, the wild being within, it is a treasure. We reconnect with the earth and the natural rhythms, and in doing so, our souls become richer.

In a world where community rites of passage are no more, a vision quest fast, can serve as a spiritual door, a liminal trail to remembrance of our ubiquitous belonging to this earth, and our place in it.

“A Mysterious call to listening in like you’ve never done before.”

We are from the wild, and in the silence of the wild we are reminded of our connection to the earth and all its creatures, a bond without discretion. We are reminded that we are not separate but a part of the natural world, a delicate mate.

In a society that values productivity and success, a vision quest fast can bring about a deepening in our life’s, for it is not in the external that true fulfilment lies.

So, heed the call of the wild, and go on a quest, embrace the journey and put your heart to the test, for in the end, it is not the destination that matters. In connecting with the wild, we connect with ourselves and all, and in doing so, our spirits become well, we find balance and harmony in the natural world and in our body.

A vision quest fast is a journey not to be missed. It is in the wild where our souls are truly kissed by the beauty and majesty of nature, and in that connection, we find our true nature.

So, let us heed the call of the wild and reconnect with our natural state, reconciled, for in doing so, we not only find ourselves but we also find our place in the world, and in the natural realm, it dwells.

Let your self be guided by the wild.

Wilderness Fast Rites of Passage

Shortly we will be including The next Fast at Land’f Hoy Caceres Spain